
Recipes from Ingredient: flour

Double chocolate cookies

Double Chocolate Cookies

Recipe Type: , Cuisine:
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Double Chocolate Cookies This Double Chocolate Cookies recipe is a chocolate lover’s dream come true. Melting dark chocolate blended with creamy butter, sugars, and vanilla creates a decadent base, while the addition of flour, cocoa, and a generous portion of white chocolate chunks promises a rich texture and flavour. These ...

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Pesto Pizza With Roasted Garlic & Potato

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
forkforkforkforkfork Average Rating: (4.3 / 5)

Mention potatoes on pizza and you’ll get one of two responses. From the folks who’ve tried it, you can expect an enthusiastic thumbs up. From everyonce else: a resounding “huh?” That’s the thing about pizza with potato – it sounds strange, until you try it, and then you just get ...

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